Thursday, 28 April 2016

Words of Kicks

Japanese Phonetic English
Ashi barai ash-ee bar-eye "Foot sweep"
Fumi Kiri Geri foo-me-key-ree geh-ree Cutting kick with the edge of the foot
Fumi komi Geri foo-me-koh-me Stamping kick
Geri/Keri geh-ree Kick
Geri waza geh-ree wah-zuh Kicking techniques
Gyaku geri gyah-koo geh-ree Kick with the back leg
Gyaku mawashi geri gyah-koo mah-wash-ee geh-ree "Reverse round kick" hook kick (AKA ura mawashi geri)
Kin geri kin geh-ree Groin kick using the instep (top) of the foot
Mae ashi geri mah-ee ash-ee geh-ree A kick with the front foot
Mae geri mah-eh geh-ree Front kick
Mae tobi geri mah-ee toh-be geh-ree Jumping front kick
Mawashi geri mah-wash-ee geh-ree Round kick
Mikazuki geri mekah zoo-key geh-ree Crescent kick
Nidan geri nee-dahn geh-ree Double kick
Tobi geri toe-be geh-ree Jumping kick
Uchi mawashi geri oo-chee mah-wash-ee geh-ree Inside round kick
Ura mawashi geri oo-rah mah-wash-ee geh-ree Hook kick (AKA gyaku mawashi geri)
Ushiro geri oo-she-roe geh-ree Back kick
Yoko geri yoh-koh geh-ree Side kick

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