Even though he died young, before becoming 40 (spring 1945) Gigo Funakoshi (or Yoshitaka, depending on how you read the two kanji that form his name), Master Funakoshi's third son had a far-reaching effect on modern Karate.
Yoshitaka began his formal training in karate when he was 12 years of age, but much before that he had been in contact with karate. In Master Funakoshi's book Karate-do: My Way of Life, he recounts how he always went training Karate with his Masters, Y. Itosu and Y. Azato together with his sons, they would watch him do the kata, and then the masters would ask the boys to them too.
Egami also recounts how Yoshitaka trained with the makiwara: "His blows were terrific, he took a stance something like a horse riding stance (kiba dachi) and aimed his blows at the makiwara from a position with his arms dangling from his sides, without using his hips much.
("The Way of Karate, Beyond Technique", Shigeru Egami). There are many stories about Gigo's feats, but today it is hard to distinguish truth from legend.
Yoshitaka seems to have decided, due in part to this, to train with all his energy, to attain the highest level possible in the art of Karate, before losing the battle against death. His will strength and physical strength became instrumental in the creation of new techniques. More so than his father, Gigo was the technical creator of modern karate. Thus, where the ancient tode, emphasized the use and development of the upper extremities, Yoshitaka discovered new leg techniques, Mawashi Geri, Yoko Geri Kekomi, Yoko Geri Keage, Fumikomi, Ura Mawashi Geri [though I have been informed that Kase sensei was responsible for this technique] and Ushiro Geri.
The leg techniques were performed with a much higher knee-lift than in previous styles, and the use of the hips emphasized.
Yoshitaka insisted on using low stances and long attacks, chained techniques, something that immediately separated it from Okinawan karate. He also emphasized the oi zuki and gyaku zuki.
Master Gichin Funakoshi approved without exceptions, even though what he taught, occasionally, and at least apparently, contradicted what his son instructed. Gigo was always held in high esteem, and respected by his students, thus he was in no way an impediment in the evolution of the, so-called, Shotokan style, and never created conflicts between Masters and students.
Under Gigo's leadership big changes saw the light of day between 1930 and 1935. These were mostly in kumite (combat, free fighting training). Whereas his father placed most of the emphasis on kata, Gigo developed the fighting techniques and training. First of all he created the Gohon Kumite (predetermined sparring with five advancing attacks), a system very much like Kendo, an art that Yoshitaka also practiced and studied under the last Great Master,
Hakudo Nakayama, from whom he obtained valuable inspiration for the future karate developments. In 1933 he established the Kihon Ippon Kumite (one step sparring) followed by Jiyu Ippon Kumite, just like Kihon Ippon Kumite but in movement (Yoshitaka was very fond of this form of kumite), they all inspired the kata Ten no Kata. This process ended with free sparring, Jiyu Kumite, in 1935.
Among the main karatekas that participated in the training and development team that surrounded Gigo were Shigeru Egami and Genshin Hironishi.
In 1936 Karate-do Kyohan was published, this book included the basic fighting methods but mostly it included the changes in the kata, following the newly established technique framework. This book clearly represented the birth of Karate-do as a new Japanese martial art, finally outgrowing it's Okinawan heritage, this was very clearly established with the change in the "kara" kanji and also with the renaming of the kata with "good" sounding Japanese names.
Yoshitaka and Gichin Funakoshi published a new book in 1943, Karate-do Nyumon, where Yoshitaka is said to have written the technical material and his father the initial chapters and the historical section.
As everybody already knows, unfortunately for the Karate world, and as a result of the very difficult life conditions during the II WW coupled with the hard and merciless trainings Yoshitaka subjected himself to (even with terrible and bloody coughing fits), the sickness that followed him for so many years finally caught hold of him, thus the brilliant shooting star that Gigo represented for Karate, was extinguished.
It is easy to speculate about how the history of Karate would have developed if Yoshitaka hadn't died so young.
Among the main karatekas that participated in the training and development team that surrounded Gigo were Shigeru Egami and Genshin Hironishi.
In 1936 Karate-do Kyohan was published, this book included the basic fighting methods but mostly it included the changes in the kata, following the newly established technique framework. This book clearly represented the birth of Karate-do as a new Japanese martial art, finally outgrowing it's Okinawan heritage, this was very clearly established with the change in the "kara" kanji and also with the renaming of the kata with "good" sounding Japanese names.
Yoshitaka and Gichin Funakoshi published a new book in 1943, Karate-do Nyumon, where Yoshitaka is said to have written the technical material and his father the initial chapters and the historical section.
As everybody already knows, unfortunately for the Karate world, and as a result of the very difficult life conditions during the II WW coupled with the hard and merciless trainings Yoshitaka subjected himself to (even with terrible and bloody coughing fits), the sickness that followed him for so many years finally caught hold of him, thus the brilliant shooting star that Gigo represented for Karate, was extinguished.
It is easy to speculate about how the history of Karate would have developed if Yoshitaka hadn't died so young.
Hakkeyoi!! Waka Sensei.
March 1996
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