Thursday, 28 April 2016

Punches and Strikes Words

Japanese Phonetic English
Age tsuki ah-gee tzoo-key Rising punch
Choku tsuki choh-koo tzoo-key Straight punch
Chudan tsuki chew-dahn tzoo-key Mid-level punch
Empi uchi em-pee oo-chee Elbow strike
Furi uchi foo-ree oo-chee Reverse back-hand strike
Gedan tsuki geh-dahn tzoo-key Low-level punch
Gyaku tsuki gee-ah-koo tzoo-key Reverse punch
Haishu uchi hi-shoe oo-chee Back-hand strike
Haito uchi high-toe oo-chee Ridge-hand strike
Heiko tsuki hay-koh tzoo-key Simultaneous double punch with both hands parallel to the ground - Compare to Ura tsuki
Hiji ate hid-jee ah-tay Rising elbow strike
Hiza geri he-zah geh-ree Knee kick
Jodan tsuki joe-dahn tzoo-key Upper level punch
Kake tsuki kah-kuh tzoo-key Hooking punch
Kizami tsuki kay-zah-me tzoo-key Front jabbing punch
Mae-ken tsuki mah-eh-ken tzoo-key Strike with the front hand
Mawashi empi mah-wash-ee em-pee Round elbow strike
Mawashi tsuki mah-wash-ee tzoo-key Roundhouse punch
Morote tsuki moh-row-teh tzoo-key Augmented punch
Nakadaka-ippon-ken tsuki nah-kah-dah-kah ee-pon-ken Middle-fingered one-knuckle-fist punch
Nukite noo-kay-tay Spear-hand
Oi tsuki oh-ee-tzoo-key Stepping or lunging punch
Sanbon tsuki sahn-bohn tzoo-key Three-punch combination
Seiken say-ken tzoo-key Front of the knuckles (as used for a straight punch) - GKR mistranslates this as "straight wrist" - Compare to Uraken
Shita tsuki sheet-ah tzoo-key "Underneath thrust"; Short punch
Shuto uchi shoe-toe tzoo-key Knife-hand strike
Teisho uchi tay-show oo-chee Palm-heel strike
Tetsui uchi tet-sue-ee oo-chee Hammer-fist strike
Tsuki tzoo-key "Thrust"; punch
Tsuki waza tzoo-key wah-zuh Punching techniques
Uchi oo-chee Strike; inner, inside, interior
Uchi waza oo-chee wah-zuh Striking techniques
Ura oo-rah Back or other side; opposite; reverse
Uraken oo-rah ken Back of the knuckles (as used for a back-fist)
Ura tzuki oo-rah tzoo-key Close punch (see shita tsuki)
Ura uchi oo-rah oo-chee Back-fist strike
Ushiro empi uchi oo-she-row em-pee Back elbow strike
Yama tsuki yam-ah tzoo-key Double punch with one hand aiming for the body and the other for the head - Compare with Heiko tsuki
Yoko empi uchi yoh-koh em-pee oo-chee Side elbow strike


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