Dear Karatekas,Thank you for visiting this Site and channel and welcome! My plan is to constantly update this channel for everyone to use to help our daily training. Please be patient as I slowly build this channel :-). To Make sense of my numbering system, understand my proposed outline for this channel, below;
1. Background, History, Introductory
2. Kihon - Basics
3. Katas - Forms 3.1 Katas by Gichin Funakoshi & Gigo Yoshitaka Funakoshi 3.2 Katas by Nakayama, Masatoshi 3.3 Katas by Kanazawa, Hirokazu 3.3.1 All 26 Katas to 3.3.26
5. Competitions - Kata - Kumite - Refereeing - Championships
6. Lessons, Techniques, Trainings
7. Shotokan and Other Karate Masters
8. Main Shotokan Organisations Worldwide - 1. JKA 2. SKIF 3. KWF
9. Latest Development / Courses / Events
10. Shotokan and other Styles of Karate
11. Shotokan and Other Martial arts
12. Shotokan & Street Fighting
13. Shotokan and MMA
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